Our Greatest Treasures

Our Greatest Treasures

Friday, June 01, 2007

The Red Caboose Boys

For almost 33 years we have had a favorite book in our home called The Little Red Caboose Always Goes Last. Do any of you recall it?? When David was under 2 years old, he would sit in the Otolaryngologist's (sp?)office and very convincingly pretend to read the book loudly--word for word. People would ask me if he could really read it!! We have continued to read it to all of our little grandchildren and have gotten each family a copy of it for themselves.

Isaac and Will are now enthralled with it and Maya is starting to get excited about it. The original book is very large--about 24"X 14" , so it really keeps their attention. Every--usually--we keep Isaac and Will from Tues night at 7--to Wed morning just before lunch. We try to do field trips with them and last week we took them to the Little Red Caboose in Muskegon. Need I say --they were thrilled, but even more thrilled with the big lake freighter they saw right accross the street. They were also frightened last Tuesday night by the barage of very large jets we had going over our house. They usually love them and start yelling "airplane, airplane". The airport has also been one of our fieldtrips. They are a handful but very fun--Daniel and Andrea are doing a great job with them!!

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